Quality Control
For the quality control of new products and the environmentally and economically maintenance of existing installations comprehensive inspections play an increasing role. There can be found numerous examples in the various branches of industry. In the petrochemical and steel construction industries included one uses various tools and containment systems under pressure. In the production and conservation of these objects, the state should be continuously recorded by means of inspections and tests. To perform these tests in a responsible way it is necessary to have trained experts .
Ready knowledge of structures, mechanical and physical properties, research and degradation mechanisms of materials (metallurgy) are essential. In addition, the inspector should be versed with insight into the structural engineering of metal compounds, both detachable (screwed, clamped, flange) and non-detachable (welding, soldering, adhesive). In order to arrive at practical recommendations he must comply with approval standards (including any rejection of parts) and the protection of these structures (corrosion control, surface protection, insulation). All this in the overarching framework of quality management and quality assurance.
With my company, I am responsible for carrying out daily inspections and tests of technical constructions in the (petro)chemical industry and equipment manufacturing. This may involve both structures still under construction and existing installations in a production environment.
In addition, I perform supervision of construction sites during a project.
Upon inspection and research in the new and in the production phase, the frequency of the inspection program is tailored to the life cycle of the installation concerned. These inspections and supervision take place on the basis of established standards and specifications. As a responsible specialist I have herein also my own proactive approach so when I signal disturbances outside of the mentioned inspection regime I will take immediate action and associate this to my client.